Showing posts with label Level 705. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Level 705. Show all posts

Candy Crush Saga Level 705

Tips for level 705 Candy Crush Saga
Level 705 is another orders level. You have 60 moves to collect 5 colour bombs, 10 wraps and 15 stripes.
The main playing area is surrounded by a conveyor, separated from the main part of the board by a space, so the only way to match on the conveyor is if the candies are side by side.
There are 4 bombs on the conveyor at the start of the game with a countdown of 15 moves.
Obviously you must not ignore the bombs, but you should be able to destroy them with your orders as you make them, but look out for matches to include the bombs too, to give you peace of mind.
Once the original bombs are gone more will fall, but they are not usually a problem.
Concentrate on what you find the most difficult, for most this will be the wraps, and you will find the stripes will take care of themselves. Don't forget to keep an eye on colour bomb patterns though or you may find yourself coming up short on those.
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